Softoria and war
Softoria and war: how it affects our work and what we do to help Ukraine win.
War isn’t something you expect, no matter what happens
Ми займаємось створенням повноцінних ІТ-продуктів і розробкою інноваційних рішень, а не банальним аутсорсингом. З 2014 року, ми започаткували низку проєктів, які у 2021 році об'єднали у консолідований бренд Softoria. Без будь-яких зовнішніх інвестицій. Генеруємо прибуток з першого дня.
Загалом, Softoria зосереджена на кількох напрямках. Однак, ми завжди відкриті для нових можливостей. Ми прагнемо вивчати нові ринки та використовувати наш досвід для розробки нових рішень в IT індустрії.
Наша місія полягає в тому, щоб створювати ІТ-продукти, які гарантують успіх нашим клієнтам, а у нашій команді стають приводом для гордості. Наші основні цінності:
Команда - наша головна перевага
Показники, які найкраще описують що ми робимо
Завантажень застосунків
Петабайти даних
Доходу на рік
Чесні відгуки від нашої команди
I’ve been working here for 4 years, and this company has become a family for me. Here I found everything I expected from a job: constant professional growth, new challenges and people - the most important asset in every company. In Softoria we work on different projects but we are united by the idea of making things better. Sharing common values and operating by principles, every Softoria employee is eager to make products better within their area of responsibility. If you love working for product companies, you will also enjoy working here. Softoria runs its own products and startups which creates a lot of opportunities and flexibility. Last but not least, we know how to have a good rest - cozy parties and amazing company events won’t leave anyone indifferent.
Softoria feels like a family. You can always get the needed support in your work life and personal life. For example, the company provided both financial and emotional support when we needed to relocate from our home city Kharkiv at the beginning of the full-scale war. This fact alone can tell a lot about Softoria and the people I work with. If you are ambitious from a professional perspective, Softoria gives every person all opportunities to develop their skills. The company is highly interested in mutual growth - business growth and professional development of its employees. Operation on such standards always leads to positive results for every employee at any level.
Softoria is a great company where you can realize your potential to the full. Flexible hours, skilled and friendly teammates, cozy atmosphere — this is not even half of what I love about the company. I think anyone could find something for themselves here.
Softoria is a company that makes the world a better place, it’s full of opportunities and innovative ideas. It’s great when you can work and grow with professionals who motivate you and help you, who are on the same wavelength as you are, and who are results-oriented. In this case, a team becomes a united mechanism. You get support at any stage of your growth and become a great specialist with a full load of priceless experience. Nothing is impossible if you work in the team of Softoria. And sometime later you stop calling them “my team”, you say “my family”.
Надішліть своє резюме, якщо ви думаєте, що ми будемо корисні один одному.
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Softoria and war: how it affects our work and what we do to help Ukraine win.
War isn’t something you expect, no matter what happens